Bethan Dutton
designer, founder, UIzard, thinker
Next 10 year checkist (5 years in)
Graduate with a First-Class Honours in Graphic Design
Learn to code and build a website from scratch
Set live my first SEO campaign (increasing traffic by 30% within the first month)
Play professional football
Lead a product with over 200,000 daily users
Create a motion design animation for a commercial
Get a job as a Junior Designer under an experienced Art Director
Renovate a house (x2)
Deliver a design talk to over 100 people (3x)
Become the youngest Senior Designer I know
Be a founding designer for a startup
Complete a triathlon
Visit Orlando Studios
Raise £10k for charity
Become a full-stack developer
Publish an OS app
Buy a 1997 Mini Cooper
Build £100M business
Design a font
Build my dream lodge in the woods
Start my own design studio!